Naomi Campbell is traveling in a full hazmat suit with gloves, goggles & a mask

Posted by Fernande Dalal on Saturday, June 29, 2024

One of my favorite things to happen last year was when I discovered that Naomi Campbell is a YouTuber now, and she makes YouTube videos about her life, her travel, her shopping habits and more. I even covered her videos about her routines for flying and for shopping at Whole Foods. For flying, she buys candy snacks for trip at the airport, plus fashion magazines, then as soon as she gets to her seat, she puts on gloves and wipes everything down with disinfecting wipes. I mean EVERYTHING. Then she keeps a mask on for the flight. It was a pre-coronavirus thing, so imagine how Naomi is rolling in the ‘Rona Era. Well, you can see for yourselves.

Naomi posted these photos to her Instagram and I love this. I mean, I definitely think that people should avoid traveling on planes these days, but God knows what kind of job or gig Naomi had. So of course Naomi was like GIVE ME A HAZMAT SUIT. Give me goggles and a mask! And latex gloves! I mean… can you blame her? I don’t blame her at all. I thought I was being smart by going to bed early and washing my hands more than usual. Naomi was like “FINALLY, I get to pull put my hazmat suits, I’ve been dying to wear these things.” Also: how does she still look chic here?

Photos courtesy of Instagram.
