Paulina Porizkova on dating: The pool of available men is now a puddle

Posted by Merna Tatro on Saturday, June 22, 2024

About six months ago, I wrote this line in a story about Gillian Anderson taking back her boyfriend after he cheated on her. “It’s hard to date in your late 40s/early 50s when you have teenagers at home. The pool is small and dirty, and I bet it’s even worse among those rich famous people.” That’s what came to mind when I read Paulina Porizkova’s post about finding love after 50. Paulina, 56, recently dated director Aaron Sorkin, but that didn’t work out and now she’s finding dating frustrating. She called the dating pool a puddle, which is sadly relatable. Here’s what she wrote in her caption to an Instagram post with a cute photo where she’s covering herself with a hat.

So many of you expressed surprise that a famous model would be on a dating app.

You have offered advice: everything from “you don’t need a man, get a hobby, buy a cat – to – go to parties, call up whomever you’re interested in (because they are sure to want me?) and join a different dating app.

Dating in your fifties, even if you’re seen as attractive, is much different from dating when younger. For one, the pool of available men is now a puddle. The ones who are my age and been single for a long time are single for some very good reasons. And most guy my age are looking for women ten to twenty years younger. Did you know the most searched-for-age on dating app is 50 for a man – and 18 for a woman?! #betweenjloandbettywhite #sexyhasnoexpirationdate #dating #datingpuddle

[From Instagram]

I have mad respect for Paulina for putting it all out there. I’m also dating and try to stay positive because I only need to meet one person, you know? My life is full and fun, but it would be nice to find someone I resonate with. I realize I’m not alone because so many other women my age are having the same issue. Of course it can be frustrating but I know my worth. I’m cute and a damn catch, and so is Paulina! She’ll meet her person! She’s a supermodel who just put a dating ad on the Internet. Her DMs are about to be full.

Paulina also wrote this about not having to love yourself, just accept yourself, before loving someone else. I don’t really agree though! I do think you have to love yourself. If you don’t, who will?
